
Thanks for visiting! This blog is for those looking for a family for their child and anyone else who can help us with our adoption journey. Here you will learn more about our day-to-day life together, our experiences with adoption, and our efforts to continue building our forever family through adoption. Link to our adoption profile (**currently on hold/down**) at the sidebar --->

Monday, February 7, 2011


The other day we were all a little stir crazy. It's been cold and hazy lately, but today we had sunshine! It was still pretty cold, but sun was such a welcome site we headed to the park with some old bread to feed the "gucks". One of Cohen's first words was "guck" (duck). He now says "duck" but I prefer "guck".

Check out that view! I LOVE those mountains!!

Cohen didn't seem to notice the freezing temps at all.