
Thanks for visiting! This blog is for those looking for a family for their child and anyone else who can help us with our adoption journey. Here you will learn more about our day-to-day life together, our experiences with adoption, and our efforts to continue building our forever family through adoption. Link to our adoption profile (**currently on hold/down**) at the sidebar --->

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thank Goodness for Visiting Teachers!

visting teachers - noun. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints, Relief Society sisters (adult women) assigned in pairs to a list of sisters in the ward. Each set of Visiting Teachers are required to share a monthly spiritual message and generally assist, help strengthen and be-friend their assigned sisters. All Relief Society sisters should have someone assigned to visit teach them monthly.

Saturday I received a call from my stalwart visiting teacher, Sister N.

“Hi Megan, I just heard some news that I want to tell you so that you can deal with it in your own way.”

I million thoughts quickly went through my mind, none of which were remotely close to what she said next.

“Sister L was just placed with a baby boy and I just wanted you to find out about it when you could deal with the news however you need to.”

My first thought was relief, because of all the things I might need to “deal” with, this wasn’t too bad. I then felt sincere happiness for Sister L (really, I did). Sister L adopted a little girl from China about 2 years ago, right around the same time my sister and her family adopted their little girl from China. Sister L and I have talked about adoption, and I knew she would try to adopt again at some point. So I wasn’t totally surprised by the news. But I admit there was a small part of me that was bummed it wasn’t Sam and me getting a baby. I thanked Sister N for giving me the news, hung up, and told Sam. (By the way, he was more upset than me.)

Here’s where I thank Heavenly Father for the divinely inspired visiting teaching program, and the divinely inspired woman who first assigned Sister N to be my visiting teacher. Sister and Brother N adopted both of their children. Sister N knows exactly what it’s like to be in my shoes—aching for a child and feeling so helpless, trying to be positive, patient and optimistic while watching everyone else have babies—lots of them—while my arms remain empty year after year. Yes, Sister N knows what it’s like to be me. And it seems she knows what it’s like to be me even more than I.

You see, when I went to Relief Society yesterday, the R.S. president announced Sister L’s good news. I was totally surprised by the effect this had had me. It felt like a slap across the face. Along with that, (I might have been imagining) I swear I could feel everyone look at me out of the corner of their eye. How would I have reacted had I not already had 24-hours to process the news? At best, I would have held it together until class ended and I would have barely made it to the car before losing it. At worst, well, I would have had to make a b-line to the bathroom. But after the initial shock of the slap, I again felt sincerely happy for sister L. I really did. And I didn’t have to hold back any tears.

Yes, thank goodness for visiting teachers!