
Thanks for visiting! This blog is for those looking for a family for their child and anyone else who can help us with our adoption journey. Here you will learn more about our day-to-day life together, our experiences with adoption, and our efforts to continue building our forever family through adoption. Link to our adoption profile (**currently on hold/down**) at the sidebar --->

Friday, September 16, 2011

Little Climber

I'm a little behind in getting to his post, but better late than never, right? We spent Labor Day weekend with Sam's family at his sister Marci's house. We enjoyed a lot of the same things we did on the 4th of July with a few additions: Sam's sister Charlsia who lives in Colorado and her family joined us this time, giving us a total head count of 24; we actually drove the four-wheelers this time; we set up a projector outside and watched a late night movie under the stars; and we went hiking and rock climbing. We brought our camera with us but didn't take a single photo the entire time. Sometimes it's nice to just sit back and take it all in without thinking about the lighting or which lens to use. 

Charlsia took a few pictures of our climbing adventure, which is a good thing since it was Cohen's first climbing experience (not including the climbing wall in our garage). 

All ready to take on the wall. Notice the tape around his hands--that was his idea.
Taking a breather and enjoying the three foot view. 

Gotta love the juxtaposition of his taped left hand and diaper peeking out the top of his pants. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Day On the Farm

Yesterday we went to Wheeler Farm. Cohen used to go there regularly with my dad, but it's been a while since he's been. We invited one of his best friends from our neighborhood to come along and they had a great time chasing chickens, climbing the tree house, riding the hay ride, and their favorite, "driving" the tractors--they seriously could have done that ALL day. 

While I was driving out of the parking lot, Cohen said, "Go farm, again!" Understood, Buddy! We'll go back very soon.